Saturday, July 13, 2013

Personal Kanban - Keeping it Simple!

You'll never believe what I'm doing. . . I'm working on time organization - again!

I know. . .shocking, huh?
I tend to go in spurts, and the cycle goes like this:
  1. Get schedule & tasks organized.
  2. Follow it, get things moving smoothly, get lots done.
  3. Get burned out or tired of the system, or dissastisfied with how it's working.
  4. Wing it for awhile (FREEDOM!!)
  5. Become overwhelmed. (PRISON...)
  6. Start over!
And on and on it goes. Anyone else in this boat?

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I'd love to have you connect up with me on social media. For a list of all the places where we can connect online, visit: I'd love to get to know you, see your channel, your page, your social media stuff that you're doing out there. I just love learning and meeting people and connecting with people, so I'm excited to get to know you. ~JS~ 🌞